Sunday, February 26, 2012

I sneezed this morning...

I know, I know. Relax...chill...take a deep breath.  See I have this thing, sometimes when I sneeze, especially when I'm still in bed, I feel it in my lower abdomen.  Weird right, sometimes I think maybe I overdid it working out, or maybe I was trying to hold the sneeze in.  Who knows, but this morning when it happened I felt it right know down by my ovaries and stuff.  Crazy I know, but of course I worried, and now I'm over it.  Crazy the things you think about!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


A week ago if you asked me what the hardest decision was in this big plan, I would say and still believe its picking the donor.

This week if you asked me the hardest part of the experience, right now...its the 2WW.  And the reality is that it may be the first of many 2WWs.  Don't get me wrong I totally believe I'm almost pregnant right now.  Almost, because according to all the articles I read, I'm only 3 days into the 7 to 10 days of waiting for implantation.  I know I know TMI...but seriously 2WW sucks!!!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Donor #?????


So after 2 crazy days (around 6 hours each day) with my parents and my sister, my donor has finally been selected.  We started yesterday setting up wireless keyboard and mouse to the big tv in the living room.  Much easier to read the profiles and see the childhood pictures!  It was fun and crazy and exhilarating and exhausting.

We've narrowed it down to two, but it seems one of them may not have available vials for me have when I need them, which is next weekend!

It's happening so fast(which i'm very happy about)  I officially started this process as we entered into
2012, but I've been talking about it being a possibility of taking this path for the last 5 years.


So today was the big day.  1st attempt at ICI.  I ended up with our 1st choice donor for many reasons, the first being we all had an immediate reaction to seeing his pictures and reading his info.  The second being his jewish ancestry.  I had a wonderful conversation with a geneticist (thank you Jennifer) who helped me understand why choosing #1 over # 2 was very important.   Turns out since I'm jewish it is very important to choose a donor who has been tested for the genetic disorders associated with jewish ancestry.  Donors who are not jewish or don't know they may have jewish blood are not automatically tested.  So that was that...ICI instead of IUI for this first go round, since that was all that was available this month from my donor.

Surprisingly, I slept great last night.  Woke up refreshed, had breakfast and awaited the arrival of my sister to drive me to pick up the tank and head to the doctor's office.  As I walked around the corner to the back of my building where my sister was waiting for me and all of sudden the nerves hit me.  She said she could see it on my face as it hit me!

Easy pick up and then the waiting at the doctors office.  Check out Auntie Geri's entry to see how that all went.

And now we wait!!!! and wait!!!!

Sisters embarking on a journey...

After searching and searching we (mom, dad, debra and I) finally selected the lucky donor.   Donor # XX8X5 This morning at 8am I picked Debra up and we drove to the sperm bank to make our withdrawal.  With heavy tank in hand we drove to Dr Ghozland's office.  We sat for what seemed like forever.  A little confusion on the nurses part - they didn't realize they need to defrost it first.  So, about 40 minutes later the Dr is ready for Debra.  All ready for the doctor he says "Let's make another president" and away we go.  Poor Deb looked a little uncomfortable during the process and I wished there was something I could do to help.  Finally, Dr. Ghozland is done and says - don't you want a cigarette now!  lol.

We waited 15 mins - for the little suckers to swim - but it felt like 40 mins.  I play some Duncan Sheik and just to get some country in there we had some Zac Brown Band serenading the little guys as they swim upstream.

We've all got our fingers and toes crossed and now we wait.  Test will be taken next Wednesday - haha - really Tuesday but I'm traveling so I'm secretly hoping she waits til wednesday. :)

Exciting day!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

So, let me tell you how it is to be a prospective Grandpa, an at the same time you assist in determining what your grandchild might look like.

Friday started with a review of how you select the various components or ingredients of your future grandchild.

You go through hundreds of names, nationalities, hair color, height, weight, eyes etc. You might think this is interesting, but after hours it becomes very stressful. I remember creating my children and it was pure joy. The only stress was waiting for the correct time to do it. Back then you timed your pregnancies
to fit your life schedule or how many children you wanted to how far part their ages should be assuming you wanted more than one.

Well, after hours of review, pictures, donor profiles, staff analysis of donor, medical records all the way back to maternal & paternal grandparents, and finally a ability to listen to the donors voice a decision was made. But, more stress, the prospective donor did not have his sperm cleansed, therefore the insemination is done differently and the sperm has to travel further. After a few hours we finally decided which donor was the lucky one. Hallelujah.

Tomorrow is the big day. All excited, such fun.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

...Of course I also believed I'd be happily married and onto my 2nd child by now as well.  Things don't always turn out as we plan, so here comes the next step.

Not sure I'm going to announce this blog to the world just yet, but if you found me, welcome.  Posting may happen every day or once a month, depending on what's happening in my world of baby-making.

Post may come from my sister or my parents as they are on this journey with me and may have a thing or two to say.