So its been awhile. Surgery to remove the fibroid went very well. It was much bigger than Dr. G thought it would be, but everything went perfectly. As I found myself saying after the surgery, I had something taking up real estate that potential baby needed and now its all cleared out. Woohoo!!
So 4th IUI or 1st since we resolved issues just happened this past monday, which makes me 5DPO. Took Clomid days 5-9 for my progesterone issue. So worked with getting my ovaries on target. Funny thing, I thought without a Trigger, only one egg would ovulate, no matter what the clomid created. Turns out, I was wrong! Went for my day 15 u/s, and the first thing my RE said was "In all my years doing this I've only seen triplets twice on Clomid" WHAT!!!!! Of course to balance that out, my donor only had 5.5 milllion sperm, versus 14 million, back in April (when I got preg). Hoping the 1/3 swimmers balances out the 3X eggs. :)
Little symptoms that are probably not symptoms at all. No desire to eat chocolate, actually an anti-chocolate wave when I even think about a snack. So NOT like me. Love chocolate!!! But when I got preg back in April, I had the same anti-chocolate feelings. Then this morning crazy nauseas, drinking my morning sickness tea just cause it works, not because I am even starting to think this could be it. ITS WAY TOOOOO EARLY!!!!!
The nurse told me to test on day 16, ha ha ha. If AF doesn't show up by day 12, then chances are she isn't. And if anyone thinks I can wait past day9 to start testing, you be crazy. I'm hoping to at least hold out until day 8.
I'll try to update again later this weekend.