Friday, August 3, 2012

Just breathe!!!! That's what I'm doing now.  and waiting.  My acupuncturist's, Denise, told me there would be lots of waiting and I'd have to get used to it.  I knew that the last time, but nothing ever felt right the last time, so its different this time.  I feel good.  It feels right.

So first Beta on 12dpo was 35.9, second beta on 15dpo ........   484!!!!!!! Now I'm just waiting for the 1st ultrasound.  Only 4 days until that, but I keep POAS everyday, just to make sure the line is still there and still just as dark if not darker.


Great story to share!   A good friend of mine has been ttc for almost 2 years.  She hasn't spoken to her doctor yet and has been sort of temping and sort of using opks, nothing regular.   Last month, right before my IUI, I was hanging out with her and her husband and she asked what should she start with and I recommended at the start of her next cycle that she go for her CD3 bloodwork just to get things started with the dr.  Her husband mentioned that he keeps meaning to get his stuff checked since people have told him it could be him and easily fixed, I said yup, that's great go get your numbers checked.  And I tried to get her to sign up here, but I'm not sure that happened.  Back to the [b]Great[/b] part of the story.  Yesterday I called to check in and chat, wasn't ready to tell her about me, but wanted to find a time we could get together so I could tell her.  Asked how she was, if she had her CD3 stuff done.  She said no last cycle was 22 days and this one is 33, so she's just waiting for AF as it should be here any day.  About 3 hours later I got a picture message from her.  [b]BFP[/b]

Then I did the math, I'm on CD33 too.  We have the same due date!!!! I called her immediately and just said "ME TOO!!!"

7 months ago when I started this adventure, I told her that if was going to get pregnant, so were they and that we would do it together.  HA, I said it but I didn't think it would happen like this.

Here's hoping we all have sticky beans!!!!