Sunday, April 29, 2012

AHHHHH!!!!  4wks and 3days.  Yup.  IUI #3 worked.  So far at least.  Trying not to get too excited, since its so so early, but here we are.

A bit of a crazy week.  Started off saturday thinking AF arrived, only to see my temp spike on sunday and realize what a sec, that shouldn't happen at this point unless...

and yup there it was, a very very very faint 2nd line.  First beta test on monday 28.5, progesterone was still too low, so I found myself having to do intramuscular injections.  I'll my sister fill you in on the first!!!

Friday I had my second beta test and now I was at 106!!!!   So today was the next one and we were hoping for at least double, but I'm up to 288.  Woohoo!!!!

So on to the first ultrasound next monday.  Will try to come back at least once a week from here on out.

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