Monday, May 7, 2012


Yup, very tired today.  It doesn't help that I've been at work since 10 with nothing to do.  One of those days, waiting for one of my bosses to come work with me, but she hasn't made it into my room my yet.  Seriously want to go home and sleep :)  or just eat and eat and eat.  Which is weird since I had my first true true bout of MS this morning.  Up till now its just been nausea, but a wee bit more than that today.

Having my first cup of caffeinated tea since I found out, just too tired to not do it.  I know its lite on the caffeine since I checked it out when i was TTC so hopefully not too bad for me and the little one.

First U/S tomorrow.  I feel really good about things, but of course, trying to keep a realistic view going into it.  Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Geri are all coming to the appointment.  Love that its been a family affair right from the start and looking forward to that continuing.

Oh, and I found a great baby book.  I haven't bought it yet of course, but all the pages are available to download, with a big "SAMPLE" written across them, but who cares, I can start writing little things down, and its great, you can add or take away pages, so I'm able to add "Single Mom" pages and remove all the ones that say "when WE decided to have you" or "What WE decided to name you"  or "How WE met"  And replace them all with mommy pages.  Its perfect and I can't wait till till I'm past the 1st Trimester and can buy it!!!!

That's it for now, about to fall asleep over my keyboard.

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