Saturday, June 29, 2013


Okay.  So I took a break.  Not a long one, but just long enough.  I didn't care if I took my prenatal, I didn't care if I drank my fresh juice in the morning.  I didn't care if I did my visualizations or took my dose of Royal Jelly or Verdant Vitex.  Nothing.  And it felt good.  And now I'm back.  And coming back was so easy.  The day I knew my cycle was starting that was it. It was like a switch went on.  I just started up and didn't mind.  So here we go...AGAIN!

CD5, and 5th day on estrogen patches.  My numbers on day 3 weren't high enough so I've got 4 1 inch stickers on my belly trying to build up my lining.  The stickers are estrogen patches :)  Then a week from Monday I go in for an ultrasound and another blood test to check my lining and my levels, and then 6 days later we transfer.  3 embryos this time.  I know scary but given my track record I just feel like 2 is not enough.  So 3 it is.  Lets be honest I'm not looking for triplets, but I think I've said this before, Twins are ok by me.  I want my children to have siblings, so twins makes that really easy.  Although anything with twins is not easy, I know that too.

So, its onward and upward!

Oh and the biggest update is that I stopped using the word "IF".  I would always say if/when I get pregnant, if/when I move in with my sister.  Now its only WHEN!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. switching from "if" to "when" bizarrely makes all the difference in the world. *hugs*

