Saturday, May 18, 2013


What a hard thing to learn.  And I really need to learn it.  Everyone keeps telling me that I need to learn to wait now since all of pregnancy is waiting and all of motherhood is waiting and well just life is full of waiting.  But right now, in my 2WW(two week wait between ovulation and taking a pregnancy test)  waiting to get my blood test on Friday, my patience is running very thin.  This will be the longest I've ever had to wait to see if I was pregnant.  I've tested at 8dpo (days past ovulation) and seen both of my positives by 11dpo.  But with IVF, my doctors recommend waiting 16 days.  It seems so far away, but I get it.  They want to know for sure that something is sticking.  See with IVF I think chances are better for implantation to start, which could lead to a positive test, but it may not always stick, so waiting 16 days gives you a better chance of not seeing a false positive.  I normally have cheap internet test strips in the house, but I didn't buy any this time.  None!  Not one!  I do have one digital test, but I've asked my sister to steal it from my house so that I can't test.  I truly don't want to test.  I can't handle a false positive and I'm not sure I can handle a negative either, so I'd rather just wait for the real deal blood test.



  1. Love your blog, Debra! Anxiously awaiting your day 16 test results. :-)
