Monday, May 6, 2013

The big day

Well the next BIG DAY is wednesday!  Two days from now.   6:45am!  Everything went great with my shots.  Not a lot of side effects, just a lot of bruising on my belly.  I responded amazingly well to the hormones.  They did exactly what they were supposed to do.  In the words of my RE, "I'm responding like one of their egg donors"  You know like a 20-something going through this to donate their eggs to other women for money.  Like the sperm donors, just a whole lot more that they have to go through then the guys.  Guys just you know, do their thing.  I mean there's lots of tests beforehand but the actually donation is a "donation".  Women donating eggs have to do basically what I did for the last week.  Give themselves 2 to 3 shots a day and feel things going on in their ovaries, that start to become very uncomfortable, especially if they respond well.  Which I have!  We are hoping for around 20 follicles on wednesday.  That's gives me lots of chances that at least one will produce a nice, healthy, grow to nine months, egg.  Here's hoping!

I'll update on Thursday when I get my fert report.  That's the fertility report where they let me know how many eggs they actually got and how many fertilized and are still growing.

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