Thursday, March 1, 2012

Symptoms, symptoms, symptoms

Is it all in my head?  likely.  What are the odds, that my first attempt would be a success?  6-14% is the rate of ICI success, so I guess somewhere in the there is the high odds, as its the first attempt.  But... nauseous Monday and yesterday.  Yesterday was horrible.  Anti-cravings, I haven't wanted a soda since friday, and I usually can't live without at least one a day, especially when I'm working.  I'm sleeping better than I ever have in my life (although maybe that's the pre-natal vitamins).  Not even craving sugar, which is a regular as well.  But I am hungry, but not sure for what.  Only 9DPO so today is maybe not too early to check, maybe.  Odds are still low that I'd get a BFP even if I am Pregnant.  So we shall wait and see.